About this course
This course is ideal for learners who would like the opportunity to resit English GCSE. The resit course will give students a different teaching experience to develop your reading and writing skills. Students will have the opportunity to enter for the November resit dependent upon the quality of work in the first few weeks of the academic year.
Students will be challenged to achieve at least a grade 4.

코스 지역 리드
Maisie Krebs
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Would like to know how language works
Read and analyse non-fiction; (e.g. newspapers, biographies, blogs, magazines etc)
Are interested in why people speak the way they do
Love to write non-fiction (journalism, etc) and or fiction texts (short stories, dramatic monologues etc).
What will you learn?
Core Units:
Analysing a whole range of spoken, written and multi-modal texts (eg. newspaper articles, blogs, etc)
Apply a range of language theorists to spoken and written data
Exploring how contextual factors (age, gender, ethnicity, media, technology, religion, culture, etc) affect language choices
Child language acquisition in speaking, reading and writing.
Language and identity
Language change from circa 1550 to the present day.
What skills will you develop?
Analysing and evaluating fiction and non-fiction texts/genres.
Creative writing skills for fiction and non-fiction genres.
Critical reading and annotation behaviours
Essay writing
Meeting deadlines
Literacy and oracy communication skills
Problem solving
Analysing and evaluating Early Modern to Present Day English texts.
Analysing and evaluating 21st century technological texts.
Researching different texts and language theories, issues and concepts.
Professional development
Broadcast Journalism
Creative Writing
Speech and Language Therapist