About this course
This course is ideal for learners who would like to study about the problems facing the world and possible solutions to them alongside the processes shaping the physical environment. Learners will explore the causes and impacts of floods, droughts, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, the impacts of solutions to global warming and the process shaping coastlines. Learners will also study issues linked to the impacts of migration, why human rights vary across the world and impact of the rise of emerging powers. There are also opportunities to go on visits and trips within this subject, one of our more recent trips was to Flamborough.

Ivan Tomb
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Have an interest in what is going on in the UK and the world
Have an interest in the environment
Enjoy studying issues relevant to their own lives and experiences
Enjoy fieldwork
Would like to broaden their studies to include both science and humanities
Would like a career in town planning, environmental development, journalism or many more
Would like to progress to Higher Education to study Geography
What will you learn?
Tectonic processes and hazards: Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and secondary hazards such as tsunamis. The causes, impacts on people and management.
Coastal landscapes and change: Waves, tides, sub-aerial processes and sea level change produce a variety of coastal landscapes.
Coastal management strategies. Globalisation: The spread of global TNCs, migration of populations, development of communication has impacts on countries and people.
Regenerating places: Urban and rural areas are in need of regeneration using a variety of strategies using tourism, sport, retailing and culture.
The water cycle and water insecurity: Physical and human processes influence the water cycle causing flooding and water supply problems. Climate change and El nino.
The carbon cycle and energy security: Human influences on the carbon cycle causes global warming. The use of renewables and biofuels and issues of energy security.
Superpowers: Superpowers and emerging superpowers have a significant impact on the global economy, global politics and the environment.
Global development and connections: The reasons for variations in the level of development across the world and the causes and impacts of international migration.
Health, Human Rights and Interventions: The study of why health and human rights vary across the world. Do interventions such as military conflict or aid improve health and human rights?
What skills will you develop?
Exam Technique
Academic Language
Self Confidence
Time Management
Making Decisions
Source Skills
Revision Skills
Self Motivation
Seeks Challenge
Independent Study
Professional development
Environmental Science
Earth Science
Town and County Planning
International Relations