About this course
This course is ideal for learners who enjoy Science and Maths and are considering a career in a STEM field. Throughout the course learners will look at many different areas, from Astrophysics to Particle Physics and everything in between. Physics will help you understand the world around you, it will help you develop your critical thinking skills and create a wide range of opportunities for you to progress into.
Would you like to know the answer to; “What is the ultimate fate of the universe?”
Then this course is for you.

Abi Morrison
Who is this aimed at?
This course is aimed at students who:
Would like to progress on to a STEM based career
Would like to progress on to study Physics or another STEM based subject at university
Who enjoy problem solving and can work logically
Who are interested in how the Universe works from the nano-scale physics of particles and quantum effects to immeasurably large scales involved in cosmological physics
Who enjoy using mathematical skills to approach a problem
What will you learn?
Core Units:
Mechanics: Forces, motion, energy and the links between them.
Electrical Circuits: A fundamental understanding of how circuits work.
Materials Science: Aerodynamics, fluid flow and the behaviour of materials under tension and compression.
Waves: Standing waves, Refraction, Polarisation and many more wave properties.
Nature of Light: Wave-particle duality and the strange world of quantum physics.
Further Mechanics: Circular motion and momentum.
Fields: Electric, Magnetic and Gravitational fields.
Nuclear and Particle Physics: The physics of the fundamental building blocks of matter.
Thermodynamics: Heating and cooling of materials.
Astrophysics: Interstellar measurements, dark matter and the fate of the universe.
Radioactivity: Radioactive decay, fission and fusion.
Vibrations: Simple harmonic motion and oscillating system.
What skills will you develop?
Extended Scientific Calculations
Communication of mathematical ideas
Problem Solving
Knowledge Recall and retrieval practice
Experimental Techniques
Effective Revision
Practice Systems
Professional development
Biomedical Science
Clinical Science