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Three John Leggott College students in a geography classroom engaging in lesson

Study Options


of Study 

John Leggott Sixth Form College has been teaching and supporting International Students for over 30 years. The experience has given our teachers and staff the skills needed to support international students to be successful. As a sixth form college our teachers are dedicated to their subjects and are specialists in teaching A Levels, making them experts in their field. Some of our teachers are also examiners which gives them valuable insight into the exams their students will take.

Over the years we have used our experience to develop bespoke support programmes such as Aspire to help students apply for competitive courses and universities. We have developed an extensive Super Curriculum programme to ensure our students learn the additional skills and knowledge needed for elite UK universities. We have developed a specialist team for university applications, health and wellbeing as well as a dedication and experienced International office.

Study Fees

We offer a number of study programmes to suit your needs. What’s great about our prices is that there are no hidden costs! Everything you receive as a student at John Leggott College is included in the tuition fee that you pay.

Students can study any combination of A Level subjects across 2 years. To enrol, you must meet UKVI IELTS requirements.


£3000 (deducted from yearly fees)

Admin Fee


Yearly Fee


Two Year
A Levels

Students can study any combination of A Level subjects across 18 months. To enrol, you must meet UKVI IELTS requirements.


£3000 (deducted from yearly fees)

Admin Fee


Yearly Fee


18 Months
A Levels

Students can study a one year course.  To enrol, you must meet UKVI IELTS requirements.



Admin Fee


Course Fee



Students can have 1 - 12 week experiences. UKVI IELTS not required. Payment must be made in full before starting. 

Admin Fee


Course Fee

£650 per week


  • UKVI IELTS bendras balas 5,0 + geri vidurinės mokyklos rezultatai + Skype interviu.

  • Matematika ir mokslas arba verslas.

  • £14 000 (£1000 atskaitomas depozitas + £400 administravimo mokestis)

Admin Fee


Course Fee


6 Months
Pre - A Level

Mūsų kainos yra puiku, kad nėra paslėptų išlaidų! Viskas, ką gaunate kaip studentas John Leggott koledže, yra įtraukta į jūsų mokamą studijų mokestį. Kas įtraukta?

  • Visas mokslas klasėse

  • IELTS pasirengimo pamokos

  • Specialistas OXBRIDGE palaikymas iš OXBRIDGE ekspertų su specialiu Oxbridge mokytoju

  • Susitikimas ir pasisveikinimas oro uoste

  • Atsidavusi tarptautinė komanda

  • Pažangos mokytojas

  • Mokymosi kelio komanda

  • Darbo patirties galimybes

  • Pagal užsakymą sudaryta tarptautinė registravimo programa

  • 24 valandas per parą skambinti pagalbos telefonu

  • Tėvų parama


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John Leggott koledžas, West Common Lane, Scunthorpe, Šiaurės Linkolnšyras, DN17 1DS

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