Your Learner Journey
Džona Leggota koledžā mēs studentiem sniedzam holistisku atbalstu, lai viņi varētu veiksmīgi virzīties uz izvēlēto karjeru un nākotnes centieniem. Mūsu Learner Pathways komandā ir specializēta karjeras konsultantu komanda, kas strādā ar mūsu studentiem individuāli, lai atbalstītu viņus nākamajos viņu ceļa posmos.
Valdība mudina koledžas izmantot Getsbija etalonus, lai uzlabotu karjeras nodrošināšanu. Šie kritēriji ir paraugprakses projekts.

Discover your future self
Personalised Career Guidance: Every student will have access to one-to-one careers support with a Level 6 qualified Careers Development Professional.
Dedicated Careers Support: Our Careers Leadership team, including Progress Tutors and Aspire Programme leaders, will support students in planning and achieving their career goals, with a focus on employability skills, work experience, and apprenticeship opportunities.
Workplace Experiences: We offer opportunities for all students to engage in meaningful work experience placements that align with their career aspirations.
Industry Engagement: Students will interact with local and national employers through guest lectures, careers fairs, employer panels, and networking events to gain insight into a range of industries and professions.
Higher Education Support: Comprehensive guidance is provided on university applications, including tailored support for Early Entry UCAS applicants through our Aspirer Programme. Students will participate in university visits, application workshops, and interview preparation sessions.
Apprenticeships and Alternative Pathways: In addition to higher education, we offer advice and guidance on apprenticeships, gap years, and other post-16 and post-18 pathways, ensuring that students explore all available options.
Skills for Success: Through the "Upskill" Programme, students will develop transferable skills that are highly sought after by both employers and higher education institutions. This programme focuses on areas such as leadership, communication, critical thinking, and teamwork.

The Baker
Beikera klauzula tika ieviesta 2018. gada janvārī kā grozījums 2017. gada Tehniskās un tālākizglītības likumā. Beikera klauzula nosaka, ka skolām ir jāļauj koledžām un apmācību nodrošinātājiem piekļūt katram skolēnam 8.–13. gadā, lai apspriestu pieejamos neakadēmiskos maršrutus. viņiem. Paredzams, ka tas palīdzēs risināt Apvienotās Karalistes produktivitātes problēmas un novērst prasmju trūkumu vairākās ekonomikas nozarēs.
The Gatsby
Stabila karjeras programma
Mācīšanās no karjeras un darba tirgus informācijas
Katra studenta vajadzību apmierināšana
Mācību programmas sasaiste ar karjeru
Tikšanās ar darba devējiem un darbiniekiem
Darba vietu pieredze
Tikšanās ar tālāko un augstāko izglītību
Personīgie norādījumi
Tas ir viegli.
Pašreizējā karjeras programma tiek pārskatīta pēc Learner Pathways Team pārstrukturēšanas. Mēs novērtējam programmu saskaņā ar Getsbija etaloniem un CDI sistēmu, izmantojot atsauksmes no mūsu audzēkņiem, viņu vecākiem vai aizbildņiem un mūsu ārējām ieinteresētajām personām. Šis pārskats tiek veikts katru gadu, un atsauksmes apkopo Learner Pathways Team, lai informētu un stiprinātu karjeras programmu. Lūdzu, skatiet tālāk karjeras programmas piemēru. Ja vēlaties uzzināt vairāk par pašreizējo karjeras programmu, lūdzu, sazinieties ar Samantu Robinsonu, karjeras vadītāju -_cc781905-5cde-3181905-5cde-3181905-5cde-3181905-5cde-31cf-14-6bad3karjeras@leggott.ac.uk
Klikšķis šeit lai skatītu koledžas karjeras programmas piemēru.
JLC Careers
We believe in involving parents and guardians in our students' careers journeys. Events such as parent information evenings and employer engagement events are held to provide insight into the pathways available to their children and how they can best support them.

Key programme events
Annual Careers & Progression Fair (October 2024): A key event where students can meet and network with a wide variety of employers, apprenticeship providers, and universities.
HE & Apprenticeship Application Workshops (Throughout the Year): Regular workshops focusing on personal statements, CV writing, and interview skills.
Employer Engagement Activities (Termly): Sessions involving guest speakers from various industries, including interactive Q&A opportunities to learn about different career sectors.
Progression Planning Sessions (Termly): Career planning sessions delivered by Progress Tutors, ensuring students set and review their career goals, explore progression options, and prepare for life beyond college.
Mock Interviews and Assessment Centres (Spring Term): Interactive sessions to help students prepare for university interviews, apprenticeship assessments, and job applications.