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Politics teacher Jon Woods standing in lesson at JLC

 College Corporation

The John Leggott College Corporation (or Governing Body, as it is also known) plays a crucial and varied role in contributing to the success of the College. Over the years, Governors have strived to forge positive relationships with the staff, students, parents and members of the wider community. The Corporation is responsible for a whole host of decisions and activities, details of which can be found within this section of the website. If you are interested further in the work of the Corporation of you require any paper copies of policies please contact our Clerk Becky Robinson.

Public Access Statement

Members of the Corporation and the Clerk are entitled to attend every meeting of the Corporation including committees. If someone wishes to attend a meeting who is not a member of the Clerk then this shall be decided by the Corporation.

What we do

The roles and responsibilities of the Corporation are many and varied. However, legally the main roles and responsibilities (as determined by the Instruments and Articles) are summarised as:

  • The determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and for the oversight of its activities;

  • Approving the quality strategy of the institution;

  • The effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and the Corporation and for safeguarding their assets;

  • Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure;

  • The appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of the holders of senior posts and the Clerk including, where the Clerk is, or is to be appointed as a member of staff, the Clerk’s appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of pay in the capacity of a member of staff;

  • Setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff.

If you would like to see the full document, a copy of the Instruments and Articles of Government are available here.

Other areas that are considered by the Corporation include:

  • Monitoring and evaluating the College activities and services;

  • Strategic planning of long term issues as well as the short and medium term involvement in the recruitment of other staff as well as senior post holders and the Clerk;

  • Promoting the college;

  • Assessing the effectiveness of the Corporation (self assessment);

  • Ensuring compliance with legislation and policies adopted by the Corporation.

In order to ensure that full consideration is given to every decision and that the workload is manageable a number of committees have been set up. Details can be found under the Committee heading. The Governor code of conduct is available by clicking here.

Who we are

Leon Riley - Principal

Alex Douglas - Co-opted Member

Alex originally attended the college, leaving in 2000. Alex is now a qualified financial advisor and chartered accountant, working as partner in a local firm of accountants. This knowledge and experience helps Alex in his role on the Finance Committee.

Paul Townsley - External Member

Paul is a former Principal and CEO of a FE College.  He is the Managing Director of Skills Centre PLUS, working with Schools/Academies and Post 16 Special Educational Needs Students, providing pathways to adulthood and independent living. Skills include, Leadership and Management, finance, Quality Assurance and Audit experience gained during a four year tenure as a member of the Joint Independent Audit Committee for Humberside Police. Paul is a member of the North Lincolnshire SEND Standards Board, the Vulnerable People Access to Skills and Employability group and volunteers as a Local Authority Governor at a SEND specialist School.

Juanid Aslam - External Member

Junaid is a chartered certified accountant with a background in audit, risk and governance. He is currently working in the investment operations of one of the UK’s leading financial services organisations.

Simon Driver - External Member

Simon is a qualified Accountant who has had thirty five years’ experience in the public sector, with 11 years at Chief Executive level and with significant strategic planning. He has been a school, college and academy governor for over twenty years.

John Fitzgerald - External Member

John is an experienced governor in a variety of settings. Head teacher in a North Lincolnshire secondary school for 19 years. John is Chair of the North Lincolnshire Fair Access and Inclusion Panels for both primary and secondary schools and also sits on the Education Standards Board and the SEND and Inclusion Partnership.

Ann Moore - External Member

Ann has served as a Medical Practitioner and has extensive communication and listening skills. Experience of being a governor at primary and secondary schools as a mother of 3 boys. Lead governor for Safeguarding.

Andrew Pascoe - External Member

With significant legal experience, Andy is a Solicitor in private practise. Consultant in leading Scunthorpe firm. Born & educated in Scunthorpe. Experienced in governance for 20+ years acting as Chair of Secondary/Academy & College establishments.

Paul Raistrick - External Member

Paul is a graduate in Chemistry with German and has 25 years’ experience in Quality Assurance in the chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. Paul has been a governor at a primary school in N. Lincs for 17 years and for 4 years at JLC.

Tony Jackson - Staff Member

x2 Student Members

We currently have opportunity available to join our Board of Governors as a Parent Governor. Please contact for more information.


Contact with any member of the corporation must be made through the Clerk.


The Clerk to the Corporation; John Leggott College is Becky Robinson


Phone: 01724 407061

Post: Clerk to the Corporation, John Leggott College , Scunthorpe, DN17 1DS


The Corporation delegates functions to four committees:

  • Audit

  • Search & Governance

  • Financial Monitoring

  • Quality Assurance

You can learn more about the committee structure here.

Meeting Dates



The Corporation is committed to ensuring that the Governing Body is comprised of members who bring with them a combination of diversity, skills, expertise, knowledge, common sense and direct experience relevant to the work of the College. To ensure that the Corporation is well-balanced and changing in step with the development of the College and its community, the members periodically identify gaps in membership and take active steps to recruit new members when vacancies occur. New Corporation members are offered induction in their roles and responsibilities and the work of the College, and existing members are offered a training and development programme to update their knowledge. If you are interested in serving on the Corporation or attending one of its committees, then please contact the Clerk to the Corporation or alternatively please download the form below and return to

External Governance review

We are pleased to publish the outcome of our External Governance Review.

Annual Financial Statements

Data Protection & Freedom of Information

Becky Robinson is the Data Protection Officer and can be contacted via email:

Whistleblowing & Anti-Fraud

Development Plan

How to Complain

John Leggott College aspires to provide an impeccable service to all of its stakeholders and we welcome your feedback to help us deliver this. If we fail to meet your expectations then please let us know – you can do this by accessing the Complaints Procedure detailed below.


Trade Union


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